Joe McGinty & The Losers Lounge Tribute to David Bowie
December 6th- 7 & 9:30
Joe’s Pub
Excited to be singing with the Losers Lounge again, paying tribute to one of my favorite
songwriters/artists, David Bowie of Friday, December 6th. There are shows at 7 and 9:30. They’re currently sold out but more tickets are often released before the show. You can check for tickets here.
Jessie Kilguss’ Songwriter Night
Sid Gold’s Request Room
January 15th
Hosting another songwriter night at Sid Gold’s Request Room on January 15th. Joe McGinty, Lara Ewen, Wade Raley, Adam Rubenstein and I will each play a few songs, followed by piano karaoke with Joe McGinty! I hope you can join us!
The Love Hangover
Saturday, February 15th
Co-producing, co-hosting and performing in the 26th Annual Love Hangover at Berlin, along with the LH founder, Richard Alwyn. Lots of talented artists performing. Stay tuned!
Pete’s Candy Store
February 25th
Excited that my band is sharing a bill with Susan Hwang and Dogbowl (aka Stephen Tunney). Susan’s on at 8, I’m on at 9 and Stephen’s on at 10. It’s a great lineup though so you should come for the whole thing!